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  The Gospel is the best news this world has ever received. Too bad not everyone can read it. Some people can't read because they're blind or their vision is compromised due to illness or age. It would be wonderful if there was a way to make the Word of God available to even the blind and visually impaired. Well of course there is. 

  Life by Listening is a newly formed outreach to accomplish this very make the Good News available to those who can't see. This is certainly a worthy goal and your tax-deductible donation can help us reach further with our audio offering of the World English Bible.

 I've just added four uplifting, conversational styled originals that I call Audio Appeals, designed to encourage the soul and invite the unbeliever to Christ. In the coming months we hope to add other similarly themed works based on God's word which will uplift and encourage the soul as we live each day for Christ.

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Eternal Life by listening to the Word of God!

The World English Bible

Audio Appeals

  The Gospel or Good News is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to this world. It's a pity that some of us can't see it due to blindness or visual impairment.

  Life by Listening is an outreach with the goal of bringing the Good News to those who can't easily see it by making it available in audio! Although Life by Listening isn't the only organization trying to do this, we still feel compelled to do what we can to expand God's kingdom.

  So, if you know of a visually impaired person or anyone who could benefit from an audio version of God's Good News, leave your (or their) name and address in the 'Message' box and fill out the rest of the information with your or their church information (church name, address, phone, email, contact) and a flashdrive of the World English Bible will be sent to that church address c\o that visually impaired person. In this way, every needful person of that congregation could receive a copy curtesy of that church. 

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Welcome to the Life By Listening website where this ministry is all about Eternal Life By Listening to the word of God.

The Translation

You might be curious about which translation this site offers. It's called the World English Bible. 

It is a translation which was spearheaded primarily by Michael Paul Johnson and finished in 1997. The WEB is perfectly faithful to the language in which the bible was originally written. After the translation was completed, it was immediately released to the public domain so that people like me could distribute it without copyright concerns.

 You can find this translation on the internet at and if you so desire, you can purchase a hard copy of it.

The Narrator

You may now like to know who I am. I am the narrator of this work. My name is Winfred Henson. I was formerly a voice over talent who read commercial copy for various companies. One day I dedicated my life to the Lord Jesus Christ and since that time I’ve committed myself to spreading His Good News. I once used my voice only for my own gain but now my voice is free to the public, just as is this translation of the bible.


Do I accept donations? Yes. I’d happily accept donations but I don’t pursue donations. I’ve provided contact information to allow donations to be made but making a donation isn’t a requirement or an expectation. You can be sure though that if you do give, 100% of your gift will be used to buy more flash drives, more cds, to pay for postage, to pay costs of cd production or some other cost of production or distribution with direct impact in this ministry. None of the contributions are used for administration purposes. I am the only administrator and I work for free. I can say with every confidence that Life By Listening is the most efficient non-profit of its type in the country.

Donate if your heart leads you to. We know that God loves a cheerful giver.

If you do decide to donate, you can donate at this site or you can mail a donation to:


Life By Listening

913 E Moore Ave

Searcy, AR.  72143


Make the check payable to Life By Listening or, if you make the check payable to Winfred Henson, leave a simple note reading “donation to LBL” in that space provided for the reason for the check. A donation receipt will be sent to everyone who donates.

Donations are tax deductible to you because this is a 501( c )( 3 ) organization since September of 2014.

The primary offering of this website is the World English Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Each book of the World English Bible is numbered so that each book will appear chronologically as they do in the bible. When received on a flash drive, the files are all located in a folder entitled WEB Translation for World English Bible Translation.

Audio Appeals

Also there are several audio appeals whose various messages all lead to an invitation to the listener to join Christ’s family. These are in a folder called Audio Appeals when received on flash drives. They are also offered on mp3 CDs entitled Audio Appeals.

So far, there are five audio appeals currently completed. I called them Almost Saved, The Interview, The Wisdom of Solomon, The Conversation and Can You Handle The Truth. I’ll tell you a little bit about each one.


Almost Saved highlights the fact that one can’t dabble in Christ and expect to be saved. Christ himself said that you must be an all-in investor in Him or you’re not worthy of him.


The Interview parallels typical job interviews with our ongoing lifelong interview by God for our heavenly home. Things one should do and avoid doing to be successful in our ‘interview’ are discussed.


The Wisdom of Solomon draws from the book of Proverbs primarily. It brings to the table suggestions for improved behavior by following the advice of the world’s wisest man.


Can You Handle The Truth uses the parable of the sower as the picture frame, a picture is painted of each of the seed fates in everyday scenarios. See which of these seed fates is a picture of your life in this appeal.


The Conversation allows you to overhear a conversation between a believer and an unbeliever as they discuss proofs of God's existence.

 I’ll continue to write and record audio appeals as I’m inspired to do so.

My goal for this outreach is exceedingly ambitious. I hope to reach every English-speaking church in the country. To have any reasonable hope of meeting that goal, I must make these offerings primarily to the churches themselves. Through the church, you can then receive your free CDs or flash drive of this audio bible.

  This  audio recording of the World English Bible has been uploaded to and to The search term to find my narration of the World English Bible on youtube is my name, winfred henson. The search term to find this narration of the World English Bible on librivox is the name of my organization, lifebylistening (all one word just as you see it here).

   Except for an occasional modest donation, Life By Listening is entirely self funded. Therefore, it is understandable that I’m unable to provide this bible to each requesting individual but I can give it to that individual’s church.  The church could then make copies of this work available to every interested member of the congregation and certainly to you, the one who caused the church to receive its original copy.


 Please help me bring this wonderful audio bible to your church.


Just leave the name, address, and phone number for your church in the provided spaces. Also a contact person within your church to whom I will address all correspondence.


I hope to reach many, many people with this free audio version of the bible. The true target for these audio bibles are those whose eyesight is failing and those who find it difficult to get to church. Those who find reading difficult for other reasons besides poor sight will also benefit from this gift from Life by Listening.


Sharing your CDs or flash drive with others in your own circle of acquaintances could be your contribution to this ministry. Another way to help this ministry is when you shop on Amazon. Amazon will donate one half of one percent of whatever you purchase if you choose Life By Listening as your charity of support. This link allows you to select LBL for Amazon's donation. You’d truly be a blessing to yourself, to Life By Listening and to the Kingdom of God.


Here is how you can receive your own free audio bible (please share with others and help this ministry). You can contact Life by Listening by phone, email, via this website, or by old-fashioned snail mail.

The phone number is 501-203-8689

The email address is

The website is


And the mailing address is:


Life By Listening

913 E Moore Ave

Searcy, Arkansas  72143


You can reach me through any of those methods with requests for this material and I’ll send it to your church address at absolutely no cost to yourself or to your church. You must leave the name, phone number, and complete mailing address of the church and the name of a contact person at the church. Be careful that the name is stated clearly and that the address is complete so that you won’t have to wait endlessly and still never receive your requested audio materials.

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